Problem:(Medium)- Rust programming language

How to cut the rod of length n with given price Vector for getting maximum profit using Rust programming language

input: Price Vector [3,5,8,9,10,17,17,20] length [1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7,8 ] output: output will be 24

( ie: it should cut at length 1 of 8 pieces to get maximum profit ( 8*(3) = 24 ))

We need to find maximum of ‘price at cutting each length + maximum Profit getting when excluding decided cutting length)

ie :

rod length =8

MAX ( price[0] +cutRod_maxProfit(8-0-1),price[1]+cutRod_maxProfit(8-1-1),price[2]+cutRod_maxProfit(8-2-1)…. …price[7]+cutRod_maxProfit(0) )

If we decided to go with price[0] means we decided to cut one piece with length 1 ,
then only option for us is to think of how to get maximum profit from remain length 7 which is 
can be found from cutrod_maxprofit(7,price) 

Note : Vector index start from 0 to n-1, so price[0] = 1 : Vector and Arrays are different in Rust on how/where data stores

Please fill rest of the coloumn,you will see a pattern eg: if you see cutting rod of length 3 , with piece of length 2, the profit is 8 but max profit of cutting rod of length 3, with piece of {1,2} is 9 because with piece of length 1 maxprofit is 9 since 9 > 8 , just put the greater that value (from above coloumn) to that coloumn

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 3(max profitfor length 1 with 1 length piece) 6 9 12 15 18 21 24(max profitfor length 1 with length piece{1})
2 3(max profitfor length 1 with length piece{1,2}) 6 9 (max profitfor length 3 with length piece{1,2})          

Solution1 - Using Recursion

//main program
fn main(){

//price vector(array) 
	let price = vec![3,5,8,9,10,17,17,20];
//length at which road can be cut, is from 1 to 8.
	let n =  price.len();
//calling functio,n to cut the road of length 8 which return maximum profit 
	let max_val = cutrod_with_maxprofit(n,&price);

// function to find maximum of passed parameters
//function return an integer
//its comparing maximum value so far with current max value

fn max(max:i32,curr_val:i32) -> i32{

	if max > curr_val{




//accept parameters with length n which of type as we are using it as vector index
//and vectorarray passed with borrow reference

fn cutrod_with_maxprofit(n:usize,price:&Vec<i32>) -> i32{	

	let mut max_val = 0;
//base condition for recursion	
//rod of length =0 or less the cut is impossible,so return 0
	if n <= 0{
		return 0
// finding each length cut maximum profit
//so i is the decided length to cut
// if we decided to go with price[0] means we decided to cut one piece with length 1 ,
//then only option for us is to think of how to get maximum profit from remain length 7 which is 
//can be found from cutrod_maxprofit(7,price) 
	for i in 0..n{
		 max_val = max(max_val,price[i]+cut_rod(n-i-1,price));

//return the max_val calculated for passed length for each recursion
