
create a merge sort program in Rust .

input: Vector1 [2,7,19,11,20,33,4] output: print the Vector as [2,4,7,11,19,20]

Note : Vector and Arrays are different in Rust on how/where data stores

hint: You can use ‘push’ method to add element into a Vector
You can use recursion as we need to use “divide and conquer” idea
You can make use of previous problem( merge sorted vectors) merge sorted vectors


///main function which calls the mergesort

fn main(){
	let mut v = vec![2,56,12,11,34,59,12,2342];
	let n = v.len() as usize ;
	let i = 0;
///calling mergesort function with vector passed with mutable reference
	mergesort(&mut v,i,n-1);


///definition of 'mergesort' function with lower_limit and upper_limit of the passed/divided Vector

fn mergesort(v:&mut Vec<i32>,lower_limit:usize,upper_limit:usize){
/// make the vector as half using 'mid' for calling 'mergesort'	 again in recursive mode.
	let mid = (lower_limit+upper_limit)/2;

	if  lower_limit< upper_limit  {
//		let mid = (lower_limit+upper_limit)/2;
		mergesort(v,lower_limit,mid); // the first half of the vector will be sorted 
		mergesort(v,mid+1,upper_limit); // second half of the vector will be sorted

/// call the merge function to combine the sorted Vectors in sorted order together.		


fn merge(v:&mut Vec<i32>,mut left_half_lower:usize,left_half_upper:usize,mut right_half_lower: usize, right_half_upper:usize){

	let mut temp:Vec<i32> =[].to_vec()  ;
	let mut i1 = left_half_lower;
	let j2 = right_half_upper;

	while left_half_lower <= left_half_upper && right_half_lower <= right_half_upper {
		if v[left_half_lower] < v[right_half_lower]{
			left_half_lower = left_half_lower + 1;
		 	right_half_lower = right_half_lower + 1;
	while left_half_lower <= left_half_upper{
		left_half_lower = left_half_lower + 1;
	while right_half_lower <= right_half_upper {
		right_half_lower = right_half_lower + 1;


//	while left_lower_limit <= right_upper_limit && j < temp.len()  {
	for e in &temp {
			if i1 <= j2 {
				v[i1] = *e;
				i1  = i1 + 1;

	//println!("left_lower_limit ={}",left_lower_limit);
	println!("v after merge {:?}",v);
